Jonathan & Alyssa
Jonathan & Alyssa sold everything they owned less than a year after they began dating. Taking a leap of faith to live their lives to the fullest, they committed to each other traveling across every continent for over the next three years. They are exploring their love in far corners of the world.
RTW Year: 2013
Age: 40
Current City: Edinburgh, Scotland
Favorite countries: Italy,
Favorite cities: La Ciotat, France, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Isla Mujeres, Mexico, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Traveled: couple
Budget: $15000
I'm looking for: travel partner,
I can help you with: Preparation, route planning, organization, couch surfing, urban camping, culinary trends,
Age: 40
Current City: Edinburgh, Scotland
Favorite countries: Italy,
Favorite cities: La Ciotat, France, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Isla Mujeres, Mexico, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Traveled: couple
Budget: $15000
I'm looking for: travel partner,
I can help you with: Preparation, route planning, organization, couch surfing, urban camping, culinary trends,