Silja Dreyer
Initially from Germany, living & working in Norway since 5 years and feeling ready for fulfilling yet another dream: to travel the world. Plan is to leave October 2013.
Skiing, hiking, sailing, biking, and enjoying nature wherever I travel. Searching for like minded people that can give good advice for female single travelers.
RTW Year: 2013
Age: 40
Current City: Oslo, Norway
Favorite countries: Norway, Ecuador, Costa Rica,
Favorite cities: Hamburg, Germany, Lisboa, Portugal,
Traveled: solo
Budget: $10000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Solo travel Europe (especially Scandinavia, Germany and Southern Europe)
Age: 40
Current City: Oslo, Norway
Favorite countries: Norway, Ecuador, Costa Rica,
Favorite cities: Hamburg, Germany, Lisboa, Portugal,
Traveled: solo
Budget: $10000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Solo travel Europe (especially Scandinavia, Germany and Southern Europe)