Madhukar B Raju : Round the World Travelers - BootsnAll

Madhukar B Raju

I have always been full of inner contradictions, conflicts and confusions. A gypsy at heart, a social animal at head. Considered nature and children as the purest form. When young, was heavily bent towards left, as I grew gradually tilted the other way and managed to strike a right mixture. Always loved to mix principles with practice but nothing holds me long, putting it differently. I like to travel both ways, one has to just decide the direction. I believe in journey not the destination.

RTW Year: 2015
Age: 41
Current City: Bangalore City, India
Favorite countries: India,
Favorite cities: Bangalore City, India,
Traveled: solo
Budget: $5000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: India, Hindu Culture, Photography & Graphic Designing

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Madhukar B Raju's Round the World Itinerary
