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October 29, 2004

street harassment

That's what we call it, in my group. Others call it catcalling, ogling, wolf whistling.....compliments.....yaya. Women have said, enjoy it while you have it cause once you're past 30 no one looks at you. Others said, well I've accepted free plane tickets from guys and I look like a if this latter one is a serious God/dess I'm sorry but it's depressing to think women can be that shallow. As either one. And women past 30 get harassed; this I happen to know. I'm being hard here, but in this book I'm reading, the author says, don't be nice; be honest. Honestly women are sexist and degrade themselves. I know I'm supposed to say, support my fellow sisters and I want's not that I don't support them. BUt there's a reason I live in New York and spend time with political people. I know I'm supposed to be tolerant, but when people start to say, there's nothing wrong with the way things are, and being female can be an advantage, well, please! How does this relate to travel? Because I got harassed in London and Paris; in Paris I was practically raped twice in 24 hours. I love Paris, but without a doubt there's sexism there.....yeah, the unmentionable word. And I want to go to the middle east, and yeah, as a lone women.......oooohhhhhh.......and I guess I won't know til I get there. I don't know what it is that makes men do that. I don't know if it's beauty or their need to intimidate women into leaving their space, if they don't comply with them, or what.
My former CEO had once offered me advice on travelling to SE Asia, where he used to live. But then I left my job and I haven't seen him. He now sold my company, and dare I say it, good riddance! BUt I regret not talking to him more, and I feel weird trying to contact him. I wouldn't know how to approach him, but.......maybe there's a way???????

Posted by Laura S on October 29, 2004 12:14 AM
Category: The travels
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