Jennifer Phillips
Budget traveler, camper, backpacker, vegetarian. Give me your 5 star luxury hotels, or $5 per night dingy hostel and all that lies in between. I love travel!
RTW Year: 2013
Age: 38
Current City: Orange, California
Favorite countries: Canada,
Favorite cities: Villarrica, Chile,
Traveled: couple
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, U.S. Roadtrips, camping, budget travel, travel products
Age: 38
Current City: Orange, California
Favorite countries: Canada,
Favorite cities: Villarrica, Chile,
Traveled: couple
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, U.S. Roadtrips, camping, budget travel, travel products
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