elisa avila
I am an amateur birder, always excited about learning, love finding things that are new to me and everyday for others, sharing ideas---but mostly observing the world! My partner and I will be traveling, hopefully I will be able to do some sort of service to others and he'll be doing research... so 'around the word' will be mostly just to argentina.
RTW Year: 2014
Age: 2025
Favorite countries: Mexico,
Favorite cities: Chicago, Illinois, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Traveled: couple
Budget: $8000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with:
Age: 2025
Favorite countries: Mexico,
Favorite cities: Chicago, Illinois, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Traveled: couple
Budget: $8000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: