David Minton : Round the World Travelers - BootsnAll

David Minton

Just made the decision for a RTW trip. This makes me (a bit of an introvert) nervous and filled with apprehension for leaving a career with a steady paycheck to travel the world. As thankful as I am for my corporate job, however, I cannot see myself living in a cubicle hell spending hours on end in conference calls and traffic jams until retirement. Many people would be thankful for such an opportunity, so I am doing them all a favor and leaving them a vacant position to be filled! My plan is to save and plan for the next 6 months and leave in March 2015. Im not sure where I am headed yet, but that open road is calling!

RTW Year: 2015
Age: 41
Current City: Fort Worth, Texas
Favorite countries: Mexico,
Favorite cities:
Traveled: solo
Budget: $20
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help, RTW trip planning help, RTW trip planning help,
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