Allison F
I am a writer and an ex-attorney with some time on my hands and a desire to see the world while I'm still on it. I want to plan a trip that covers a few of my main interests in life: spirituality; nature; political history; and the beauty found in the unknown and off the beaten path...
RTW Year: 2014
Age: 12
Current City: New York, USA
Favorite countries: , India, Hungary, USA, Czech Republic,
Favorite cities: Benares, India, Prague, Czech Republic, Salzberg, Austria,
Traveled: solo
Budget: $10000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help, RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Northern India; California, Missouri, and a lot of New England, USA
Age: 12
Current City: New York, USA
Favorite countries: , India, Hungary, USA, Czech Republic,
Favorite cities: Benares, India, Prague, Czech Republic, Salzberg, Austria,
Traveled: solo
Budget: $10000
I'm looking for: RTW trip planning help, RTW trip planning help,
I can help you with: Northern India; California, Missouri, and a lot of New England, USA